Improve your Page Rank with 12 easy Steps
Google is very helpful in telling us what we need to do to better our search engine page ranks for our chosen keywords and phrases. You can get helpful information on arranging and composing your content for better results. read more
Who Says Flash is Not SEO Friendly?
People who say that Flash is not SEO friendly are may be wrong, if not used correctly. It is just a myth that Flash is SEO unfriendly, if used correctly.
Creating accessible flash content for search engines is crucial for you to preserve your online presence and drive traffic to your site. Follow these Flash Optimization Tips to get most out of the major search engines. read more
Enhance the user experience
Giving your potential customers what they want will always insure happy web visitors, and happy web visitors equal more sales! Make it easy to for your visitors to find the information that need by adding the ability to search your site. There are many free scripts and programs that you can deploy in minutes to your site. Using a text based sitemap with large title description headings for each webpage on your site will also make finding the information your visitors want easier. read more
Bounce Rate, What is it and how to reduce it
Bounce Rate is an SEO term used to determine the stickiness of your website and it is always under the close radar for web analytics professionals and there are enough reasons for webmasters and Internet marketing professionals to be concerned about high bounce rates. read more
Does Optimising for search engines mean stifling creativity
There is a still a perception amongst many non-SEO savvy professionals that optimising for the search engines means reducing creativity, stuffing a page full of keywords and creating a number of irrelevant and useless pages for the purposes of gaming the search engines. However modern day SEO is a different game – and there is more considerations to SEO now than ever before.
Are You Optimizing Your Social Media Profile?
The general consensus seemed to be that social media is a good channel for people to discover your content and link to it on their blogs and sites. But what about just getting your Twitter page ranked on Google? Some think that social media profiles could take place in corporate websites. If this is the case, you would certainly want your profile to rank well. read more
Increase the number of Visitors To Your Website Through Website Promotion
Website promotion is the process of basically internet marketing and the end result is to increase the number of visitors to your website to see your content or products.
There are a few ways you can do that, and to begin with you will need to have a website that works, ie easy to use, easy to find. According to research , an individual will visit a website on average, 5 times before purchasing an item or service from the site. Saying this, the website would need to be designed with the customer in mind so that it stays in the forefront of their memory. read more
How Page Rank Works
Page Rank? What is it? how does it work? what does it do for me? Thats some of the many questions that are often asked about the Google page rank system which was developed by the search engine company back in 1995. As a Internet consultancy organisation we deal with this on a daily basis and thought it would be best to inform everyone of what it is and what it can do for you.
Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with the idea of the Page Rank system so that it could easily and efficiently organise the internet and the search results that was pulled up through its engine, as it was difficult to find what you were looking for when searching on the internet back when the internet was still an infant.
The Page Ranking system works by using the structure of links on the internet to let other website categorize each other, and if they had any authority over the subject that they hold, this works by counting the number of links that is pointed to a certain website.
The idea behind this is that if a website is the authority on a subject, it would be referred to by other websites on the internet as a source of information.
Page Rank is calculated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most important, another good thing about page ran is that it can flow downwards, therefore a link from a high page ranked site could increase your chances of increasing your own page rank. (Put in Simple Terms).
With around 15.5 billion pages in the Google index and growing, any page would be given a minimum Page Rank of 6,66666E-11, and any pages less than that will be ignored and given a page rank of 0.

Page Rank Image
As the number of pages increase in Google’s index, you will have to gain more incoming links to your website so that you can keep your page rank.
So all in all Page Rank can be important, but will keep you working for your website and not the other way round. Thats why search engine optimisation should be higher on your priorities list because if you get that right the rest will fall into place. So remember, Search Engine Optimisation will increase your traffice and increase your Page Rank.
If you would like more information about search engine optimisation please contact us and we will be able to help you improve your sites performance