How Page Rank Works
Page Rank? What is it? how does it work? what does it do for me? Thats some of the many questions that are often asked about the Google page rank system which was developed by the search engine company back in 1995. As a Internet consultancy organisation we deal with this on a daily basis and thought it would be best to inform everyone of what it is and what it can do for you.
Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with the idea of the Page Rank system so that it could easily and efficiently organise the internet and the search results that was pulled up through its engine, as it was difficult to find what you were looking for when searching on the internet back when the internet was still an infant.
The Page Ranking system works by using the structure of links on the internet to let other website categorize each other, and if they had any authority over the subject that they hold, this works by counting the number of links that is pointed to a certain website.
The idea behind this is that if a website is the authority on a subject, it would be referred to by other websites on the internet as a source of information.
Page Rank is calculated on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most important, another good thing about page ran is that it can flow downwards, therefore a link from a high page ranked site could increase your chances of increasing your own page rank. (Put in Simple Terms).
With around 15.5 billion pages in the Google index and growing, any page would be given a minimum Page Rank of 6,66666E-11, and any pages less than that will be ignored and given a page rank of 0.

Page Rank Image
As the number of pages increase in Google’s index, you will have to gain more incoming links to your website so that you can keep your page rank.
So all in all Page Rank can be important, but will keep you working for your website and not the other way round. Thats why search engine optimisation should be higher on your priorities list because if you get that right the rest will fall into place. So remember, Search Engine Optimisation will increase your traffice and increase your Page Rank.
If you would like more information about search engine optimisation please contact us and we will be able to help you improve your sites performance